Why the Adult Bib?
bonTop = adult bib, clothing protector
A bib for adults with special needs
Let's face it, at some point a person, no longer a child, might need a way to protect their clothing while dining. Maybe an adult has a disability affecting strength or coordination. An Adolescent with a disability wants to look nice in front of friends at a social event. For these people, Live On Goods makes the bonTop, an adult bib that protects clothing while promoting socialization and a sense of dignity and pride.
The bonTop is different from any adult bib on the market. When one of the Live On Goods partners looked for a suitable clothing protector for her lovely and stylish Mother-in-law, she only found ugly, vinyl, childlike bibs that are humiliating to the wearer. Out of necessity, the bonTop was created!
All bonTops are:
Stain Resistant
Gender specific
Designed for easy, independent on/off
Designed with a signature pouch to catch crumbs!
Gift- quality design and material.
Locally manufactured in Indiana.
Our newly designed adult bib allows adults to enjoy their dining experience. The wearer looks dignified and stylish in the adult bib! They also save on laundry costs, by protecting the diner's clothing from spills.
We have also learned that adults, maybe salesmen, are wearing them to protect their clothes while eating in the car or maybe they are just a little sloppy and want to cut down on laundry!
Our adult bibs are called the bonTop and they are available in a variety of beautiful fabrics to match any outfit or mood! See the styles for both Men and Women here, bonTop clothing protector